
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Cloning and de-extinction -

 Cloning and De-extinction

DNA is one of the most important things in your life, and when you unravel your DNA it is as long as the earth’s orbit around the sun but times that 6 times. Anyway this subject is about bringing extinct species back to life, and also cloning conservation species. 

What is Cloning?
Cloning is taking DNA from any living animal then cloning the DNA. The first animal to be cloned is the Dolly Sheep who was born/cloned in July 5, 1996 and died in February 14, 2003. But there is a con to cloning just because there were multiple other animals that had been cloned but died very quickly, for example one of them where a Ox named the gaur, who only lived for 2 weeks then perished into heaven. There is also something called natural cloning. Natural cloning can occur when an embryo is split up into 2 parts which makes twins, or it could split into 3, 4, ect. 

What is de-extinction?

De-extinction is bringing an extinct animal back to life. De-extinction for a Moa is where you take some DNA from the Moa’s fossils then afterwards create an egg with the DNA and put that egg inside an ostrich to create a new Moa/Ostrich thingy.. 

Should we de-extinct the Moa?? Yes because….
The pros for de-extincting the Moa is because the Moa could be used as a food resource and could be used as clothes too. Another reason is that a Moa is a native bird to New Zealand, also the Moa could kill and eat the possums and other animals that the british people came with, which will protect the other native animals. 

Should we de-extinct the Moa?? No because….
The cons for de-extincting the Moa is because the Moa would disrupt the food chain by eating the insects and food for other animals, it could also be very very expensive and there is a 50% chance that it will fail and a 50% chance that it will succeed. The other reason is that if it does get let into the wild us humans will try and hunt it again which will make it.... Extinct! (yay)


Monday, August 10, 2020



Room 8’s graph interpretation

Rosie and Chanel - 15 year olds don’t get bullied as much as Year 9’s.

Kymani and Boston - Year 5’s get physically hurt the most.

Kordell and Saia - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called true names. 

Eve and Lemeki - Year 9’s are called names equal amount to year 5’s. 

Nitika and Litia - No 15 year olds reported they had been made to do things they don’t want to do. true

Stanley - 15 year olds get bullied the least because they are more mature. 

Mariah - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names BECAUSE their younger. true

Michael and Wesley - Year 5’s get bullied more than Year 9’s or 15 year olds.

Hope and Maria - Only year 9’s reported that they had embarrassing things posted about them online. true

Ana and Senitila -  15 year olds are not being pushed around to do things.true

Fereti and Mathew - More year 5’s feel left out of games than Year 9’s and 15 year olds.

Railey and Davlyn - 60% of YEar 5’s reported that they have been bullied in some kind of way. 


100% of Year 5’s have been bullied. true

0% of 15 year olds reported they had something embarrassing posted about them online. false

More than 20% of Year 5’s reported having something stolen from them. false

50% of  YEar 9’s have been bullied.true

20% of YEar 9’s reported they have been purposefully left out of games. true

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

First 1

First 1.5 minutes of the video.


Can science explain the origin of life? A full scientific explanation for the origin of life does not currently exist, but research groups around the globe are tackling the mystery. Here we'll take a look at a few of their discoveries. 

Darwin's theory of biological evolution tells us that all life on Earth may have originated from a single, relatively simple reproducing creature, living in the distant past. This idea is based on many observations one of which is that when living things reproduce, children are often born with random new traits. 

Those with negative new traits are less likely to survive and reproduce. Those with positive new traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their children. Over multiple generations, positive traits build up allowing relatively simple life forms to evolve into complex life forms and even split into multiple different species. 

A careful look at the fossil record overwhelmingly confirms Darwin's theory - life forms get simpler and simpler as we go back in time. The record suggests that all life on Earth emerged from primitive cellular colonies which first appeared roughly three and a half billion years ago. 


Single, relatively simple reproducing creature,


random new traits.

living in the distant past.

relatively simple life forms

 complex life forms


primitive cellular colonies

Those with negative new traits are less likely to survive and reproduce. Those with positive new traits are more likely to survive and pass those traits on to their children. Over multiple generations.

The bugs mum had different babies one was with browne legs and whiten legs the whiten bug died the one with browne legs survived because the brown bug was camoflague with the tree.

So the brown bag made more babies and they all got bigger and one was bigger and one seller the seller bug died because it looked like food.  

Monday, July 27, 2020

Genomics Reading

Genomics Reading - Notes/Vocab

Monday 27th July 2020


GENOMICS is the study of genes that make up the body. 

Organism - a living thing (humans, bugs, birds, animals etc). 

XX - female

XY - male

Humans have 22 sets of chromosomes which are made up of A, C, G and T bases. These are in different combinations which change your physical appearance/characteristics. 

Identical twins will have the same DNA. Non-identical twins will not. 

Palestine Israel war

Friday, June 26, 2020

Another day at the circus.

Another day and another summer there was a family. Who went to the circus because one day it
was Emma's birthday so her dad wanted to take her out with the family to the circus.
When they arrived there were lots of lovely people like funny clowns,animals and strong men.
But 20 minutes later Emma walked into something that she never should have walked in.
There was a clown eating an elephant and then the elephant turned into a zombie.
Emma feels scared and says to herself “I’m surprised that a clown can do that”.
Then she sprinted away to her dad. She yelled to her dad “I just saw a clown eat an elephant!”.
Dad replied “you’re a liar!”.  

They went to go get candy floss, but the lady (that sold the candy floss) put poison in the candy
floss. So when Emma’s little sister Bella ate the candy floss, she got a stomach ache.
She went to the bathroom for a number two. The lights were flickering on and off.
A stilt walker came into the bathroom, and scared her by holding a knife.
Bella cries and screams out loud, calling for her dad “HEEEEELLPPP!!!”.
Emma ran into the bathroom to see, but it was all in Bella’s imagination. 

They both went out the bathroom and went to sit in the audience of the circus and waited for the
performance to start. Then when the ringmaster came out, he called his elephant, but the elephant
was a zombie. The ringmaster calls out the other animals (lion, giraffe, tiger and monkey) and
they stumble out dragging one leg. The monkeys were swinging around pooping on everybody.
The elephants used their big long trunk and started whipping its trunk around and slapping
people in the face. The giraffe ate a trapeze artist, catching them mid somersault and
swallowing them in one gulp. Meanwhile, the lion and tiger were fighting each other because the
lion was a zombie, and the tiger wasn’t yet. The ringmaster was riding the tiger.
The lion wanted to eat the ringmaster, but the tiger was defending him. 

The crowd was screaming. Some were being slapped, some were eaten by lions,
some were sat on by the elephant. The lion finally gets to bite the tiger, who then turns into a
zombie. The ringmaster fell off the tiger, into the centre of the ring. All the animals wanted to
eat him. He screamed as he was eaten alive. Emma made it out, but couldn’t find Bella or
dad anywhere. She tries to look for them, but when she was by the door, the building collapsed
and she saw her dad sacrifice himself at the last minute so she could get out alive. 

From that day on, Emma was terrified of clowns and zombies. And she never went to a circus
ever again.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Cooking with room8

Cooking with room8

Today on monday 15 of june.Room 8 made rice bubbles slice.Mariah,Rosie and samuree.

  • 100g Of Butter 
  • 100g of white sugar 
  • 1TSP of honey 
  • 3 to 5cups of rice bubbles.

Firstly we added 100g of butter and then 100g of white sugar after that we added
1tsp of honey & then melted all of them together and after it was all melted we added
5 cups of rice bubbles.Then put it in the cooking trays and let it cold down.30min
For the 1th time I use honey in my cooking.And for the 1th time Rosie use honey in
the cooking.Cooking is something that calm me down. 

It was kinda hard to add the honey as it was sticky.