
Monday, September 24, 2018

Room7 story

Here is our edited story.
Things we learnt about were
  • We aren’t allowed to use then, and, also and
  • because at the beginning of a sentence.
  • Speech marks go on the OUTSIDE of the full
  • stop or other punctuation.
  • The end of a sentence can be marked by a full stop,
  • an exclamation mark or a question mark. You don’t
  • need to put an extra full stop after a question mark.
  • Remember to check ALL capital letters. Sometimes
  • we need to put them in and sometimes we need to take
  • them out.
On Monday 24th September 2018 Room 7 did a blindfold
challenge. We wanted to have fun and make our morning a
bit interesting by playing a game.

Firstly Miss Ashley told us the rules which was no touching
the tables or pieces of paper on the floor or you will lose
points.“  However you are allowed to touch the chairs
because you sometimes have to step over them to get to the
end. Next we got into buddies. My buddy was Lucina.
 We had to line up by the heater in our buddies.

First it was my turn to go so
Lucina (my buddy)  put the blindfold on me (over my eyes) and
helped me to stand up.
The blindfold was tight it felt like a constrictor boa on my face. I
felt so confused and disorientated because the blindfold was
covering my eyes. Lucina told me to go left, right, straight and
step over.” I was feeling nervous and a little bit scared because
what if she was tricking me?“ and I was really doing something
silly. I got to the end safely and took my blindfold off.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How do i feel about my work

How does a tornado start

Did you know that a tornado starts when hot air on the
ground mixes with cold air in the sky underneath a
cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes rotate and go anywhere
in any direction.

Tornadoes last for only seconds or minutes.
They travel for short distances but they travel very fast.
Tornadoes form over land and a tornado that has water in it is called
a waterspout. Tornadoes are dangerous because they can
suck up people, rubbish (debri).

Tornado alley is part of the United States where
tornadoes happen. They happen in this place
because The cold air from mexico
and then the warm air the equator how
the tornado starts when they come to meet
in the middle and it has so much wind to start a tornado.
Inside a tornado is water vapour from the cumulonimbus cloud.
Inside the cumulonimbus cloud, if it is
very cloud it can turn  into Hail and snow.
And it Stables to the floor or it moved to here and they.

By SUmuree

Typhoon Jebi

Hurricane Florence

Tuesday, September 18, 2018



WHAT: partner yoga challenge
WHERE: inside Room 7
WHEN: Monday 17th September 2018, in the morning, first thing in the morning
WHO: Room 7 students
WHY: have fun
HOW: miss had a slideshow, kids in partners.

  • Flexible, splits, lift, push, hold yourself up, hold hands, clasp hands, grip, hips, shoulders,
  • balance, fall, collapse, tumble, flattened,

  • Roll, got into partners, move the furniture away,
  • Miss explained what we were doing
  • First pose -  easy, happy, going to get harder, confused, confident, trust and feel comfortable
  • with partner

  • Challenging
  • Making shapes with our bodies
  • Keeping calm, trying your best
  • Which ones did you try AND FAIL?
  • Which ones were really HARD?

  • Most complex or difficult poses..
  • Which ones did you try AND FAIL?
  • Which ones were really HARD?

  • My favourite one was..
  • The hardest one was...

In the morning Miss Ashley and rm 7  were
singing a waiata we were singing A haka ma,
Hareruia and Ma is white. After  we did the
roll. Mis Ashley said if you can go into
partners yes we can. So we got in partners
Miss put something on the TV and it was yoga
It look like shapes.

After Room 7 roll  we are going to have some
fun .
It is just for us to have fun ok everyone
replied Miss. Yes said room 7 as so we got into
Partners  Me and Ana was in partners .
Than Maria and me swapped partners so it was
Maria and Ana And me and Vina. Ana  said that
she was so Flexible at doing this Amazing yoga.
Ok Sumuree she Replied slowly said Ana. after
Miss Ashley said SPOT NOW!!!
Everyone we look like a statue.
To me I was finding  like I was a shape because
I did a love hate shape like this 1.jpeg.
Author: maani
Checked by: sumuree
Recount checklist ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓
Surface features
Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence
Capital ‘I’
Capital letters for names of places and people
Full stops at the end of a sentence
Speech marks when people are talking
Punctuation - ? ! ; : ‘
Words are written in past tense
Connectives - next, then, afterwards
Interesting and difficult adjectives
Deep features

Introduction has who, what, when, where, why, and how
Conclusion has a reflective statement or says how you felt
Ideas/events in the right order
3 paragraphs
Metaphors and similes
Onomatopoeia, alliteration and/or idiom
Different types of sentences - short, long, compound and complex
One thing (sumuree) did well was putting paragraphs and full stops

One thing (sumuree) need to work on is putting more power full words like flexible