
Thursday, September 20, 2018

How does a tornado start

Did you know that a tornado starts when hot air on the
ground mixes with cold air in the sky underneath a
cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes rotate and go anywhere
in any direction.

Tornadoes last for only seconds or minutes.
They travel for short distances but they travel very fast.
Tornadoes form over land and a tornado that has water in it is called
a waterspout. Tornadoes are dangerous because they can
suck up people, rubbish (debri).

Tornado alley is part of the United States where
tornadoes happen. They happen in this place
because The cold air from mexico
and then the warm air the equator how
the tornado starts when they come to meet
in the middle and it has so much wind to start a tornado.
Inside a tornado is water vapour from the cumulonimbus cloud.
Inside the cumulonimbus cloud, if it is
very cloud it can turn  into Hail and snow.
And it Stables to the floor or it moved to here and they.

By SUmuree

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