
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Mason Birthday at the movies and his cake.

“Sumu,Mum Wake up” it’s my birthday i said no
one cares about you Sumu That is a mean thing
to say Replied my mum.”YA YA YA” you are fat
then I thought that we are brothers in the wind
#Yeah bro we are bro’s and sis.I love you so
much but do not wake me up like that ok than
said Mason.MUM MUM DAD DAD can i go to the
movies YA not a thing you have you invite
someone.”YES Sumu”ok then Someone else what
about my 16 year old teenager sister yes my son.
GOING TO THE MOVIES!!! Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas
my bro happy 12 year old birthday. Thank you so
happy Next year birthday to.11am:movies time.
Mum What movies are we going to? We are going
to Manukau movies my Sugar Pie.So does that mean
we had to go on the Highway all the motorway I do
not know.Yes we are going on the motorway MUM
on Mason you have to make a Decision us going to
or Sylvia Park movies on Manukau wye they because
it is not Pack.
Sure things in my brother rolled his eyes again
and again  he
it was stupid because it was too far. “hey bro
what are we
going to watch”? I do not know

Mum says we should watch The Grinch ya ya we
should do it Let's get started to watch I feel
hungry my stomach is rumbling and doubling I
need popcorn. Sumu fat and so

What i have big bones and I'm powerful love Myself whatever I do I still love myself.12:pm mum I think that took 2 hours or 1 hour i did not like it but it was me First time watching. The Grinch I like how the Grinch turned happy and he loves Christmas  Mason said can I go to Burger King because i have a basketball what I got from Santa Claus on last Monday.No there is too much boys there I'm too scared Mason mum said it is ok Calm down and take a deep breath.And pretend there's no boys ok i did it mom cool my Fatty by the way there were Teenagers boys. I said a speech for my brother I technically i cry for him because I love him and it was as 12 year old birthday He wished and he wished any blow the candles out  we sing Happy Birthday firstly and he started crying. because he waited all year for this this is the end I hope you guys enjoyed the thank you for reading my brother's birthday story. Image result for love youImage result for Happy Birthday boysTHE END

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